Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
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Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2012

Study of folklore

Kuznetsova Vera Stanislavovna
Оn Моses and «Pharaohs»: folklore legends as well as biblical and book versions of the plot
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Oynotkinova Nadezhda Romanovna
The types of discourse genres in the Altay proverbs and Sayings
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Study of literature

Schumacher Anastasia Evgenievna
The ballads by Derzhavin in the historical and literary context of the late 18th and early 19th centuries
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Safonova Elena Vitalievna
To the question of genesis of motive of the «mysterious visiting» in Russian literature
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Romashchenko Svetlana Anatolyevna
On the possibility of interpreting the story «Vee» by N.V. Gogol via the metaphoric subtext «battery – transfiguration»
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Sedelnikova Olga Viktorovna
Ancient Rome in Apollon Maikov’s Traveler’s Diary of 1842–43
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Маmontova Olga Anatolyevna
N.D. Teleshov's creative searches in a context of Russian periodical press of the end of the 1880th – the beginnings of the 1890th
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Kazarkin Aleksandr Petrovich
N. Klyuev’s poems as an artistic unity
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Khilo Ekaterina Sergeevna
S.A. Yesenin's last poem in German translations
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Abramova Kseniya Vadimovna
The poem by B. Pasternak «In the Forest» in the context of his book «Themes and Variations» and the cycle «A Non-Boring Garden»
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Yakimova Ludmila Pavlovna
Hermeneutical problems of the novel «The Russian Wood» by Leonid Leonov: paradoxes of writing and those of reading. The second paper
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Maryin Dmitry Vladimirоvich
V.M. Shukshin’s working notes as an object of philological investigation
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Ivanovа Valentinа Yakovlevna, Smirnov Sergey Rostislavovich
A. Vampilov’s «reflexed worlds» in «The Duck Hunting»: the anamorphosis of faces, subjects, time
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Kuznetsova Tatyana Leonidovna
The short story of the Komi at the turn of the ХХ–ХХI centuries: the representation of everyday life as the form of it's reconstruction
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Nikienko Irina Vladimirovna
«Pushkin’s text» in the «Socrates of Siberian Athens» by V.D. Kolupaev
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Solomonovskaya Anna Leonidovna
Composita in the Church Slavonic translation of the treatise by Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagit «On the Heavenly Hierarchy»
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Tashlykova Marina Borisovna
The verb подражать (imitate): the semantic consequences of valency splitting
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Sosnina Anna Aleksandrovna
The family of words with the root пуст- in the history of the Russian language: semantic evolution
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Kuzhuget Shenne Uyryevna
Diurnal Cycle of Tuvinian linguistic world-view
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Dubrovskaya Olga Vyacheslavovna
Semantic types of temporal constructions with non-predicative temporal adverbial modifiers in the Shor language
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Kiritova Irina Anatolyevna
The peculiarities of perceiving English sounds by the native speakers of the Thai language
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Kravchenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Baklashkina Olesya Nokolaevna
On the grammatical meaning of the english participle
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Ryazanova Anna Petrovna
Metaphoric Models of the Concept Distrust in Modern English
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Dymont Ekaterina Evgenyevna
The main types of textual functions of the perfect tense in the literary text
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Bochkarev Arsentiy Igorevich
Complex und Pseudo-complex Indirect Speech Acts
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Leontyeva Anna Evgenyevna
The use of culture-marked vocabulary in the analysis of impotant components of linguoculture
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Bolotnova Nina Sergeevna, Bolotnov Aleksey Vladimirovich
The cognitive style of a language personality in the structure of an idiostyle model: on the statement of the problem
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Martyanova Irina Anatolyevna
The dialectics of dynamic-static properties of the literary text (based on the material of a film script)
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Steksova Tatyana Ivanovna
Word creation as the display of political predilections
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Tarmaeva Victoria Ivanovna
About divination in interpretation of a narrative text
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Chernichkina Oksana Valeryevna
Initiating communicative moves in the matrimonial discourse
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Golovchiner Valentina Egorovna
Chekhov is inexhaustible… Chekhov and the time: collected papers / Edited by E.G. Novikova. Tomsk, Tomsk University Press, 2011. 334 p. (The Russian classical literature: investigations and materials; Part 7).
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Ashcheulova Irina Vladimirovna
The Phenomenon of a creative failure. /Edited and prefaced by A.V. Podchinenov and T.A. Snigireva. Ekaterinburg: Ural State University Press, 2011. 424 p.
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Scientific life

Bolotnova Nina Sergeevna, Tyukova Irina Nikolaevna
The word in the modern world: Russian speech culture and text (on the results of an international conference)
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Nepomnyashchikh Natalia Alekseevna, Silantyev Igor Vitalyevich
The All-Russian Scientific Conference «Narrative Traditions of Slavonic Literatures: from the Middle Ages to the Present Time». On the occasion of the anniversary of the corresponding member of the RAS Elena Konstantinovna Romodanovskaya. June 5
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