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Name: Language personalityof suicident: linguodiscursive markers of ambivalence and demonstrability

Authors: Tatyana F. Volkova, Olga V. Orlova

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russian Federation; Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2022Pages 314-324
UDK: 81.42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/78/22


The analysis of the texts of different genres, published on the personal page of the user of the social network Vkontakte, with 48 posts and extended dialogues considered, allowed identifying and describing the linguodiscursive signs of ambivalence and demonstrability as the dominant manifestations of the language personality of the suicidal person. These signs were determined at the level of intentional organization of discourse and specificity of the composition and configuration of figurative-expressive means. The comprehensive analysis methodology involved compiling a fragmentary speech portrait of language personality and linguodiscursive, including intensional, stylistic, and contextual analyses.

Intentional analysis revealed a complex set of contradictory emotions and feelings, assessments and attitudes. The linguistic personality under study can be characterized by a developed imagination, non-standard and paradoxical semantic articulations and comparisons, combined with uncommon linguistic and creative abilities. Figurative means (metaphor and comparison, hyperbole, rhyme, and rhythmization in the prose text, oxymoron, playing around with antonyms and polysemes) most fully reflect the inner world of the person: an emotional state of confusion, upheaval, desolation, total despair, rejection of oneself, others, and the world, feeling of tragedy, and meaninglessness of existence. The linguodiscursive level reveals the juxtaposition of cognitive and communicative contradictory intentions, vocabulary and idiomatics of social degradation, the abundance of semantic and stylistic contrasts, aphoristic and puns writing style, language experiments, and games.

Keywords: language personality, discourse, suicide, ambivalence, demonstrability


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