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Name: Pecularities of the structure and of the linguistic means of expressing the legal-regulatory component in the deviation category (exemplified by data on the English language)

Authors: Ptashkin Alexandr Sergeevich

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2011Pages 200-204
UDK: 811. 111DOI:

Abstract: The category of deviation is expressed by some broad-meaning words with the root devia-. The semantics of these words may be made more specific by analyzing their contextual correlations with linguistic units representing the concepts that are included in the field of deviation. These mental units form a hierarchical structure of the deviation category, hyper-hyponymic relations underlying this structure.

Keywords: deviation, category, semantics, concept, lexeme, fixed word-combination, phrase


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