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Name: Functions of self-commenting in Marcel Proust's Essay On Reading"

Authors: Natalya O. Laskina

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2010Pages 94-101
UDK: 821.133.DOI:

Abstract: Proust's early nonfictional works are marked by intense self-reflexion. Analysis of uses of self-commentary in the essay «On reading», first published as a preface to the translation of a Ruskin's book, reveals Proust's strategies of constructing multiple narrative voices that will be combined in the novel and of conversing his reader's experi-ence into creative process.

Keywords: xx century literature, french literature, narratology, narrative voices, paratext, self-commentary, text generation


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