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Name: Sight and hearing in the artistic world of S. D. Krzhizhanovsky

Authors: Alexey A. Manskov

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2022Pages 63-72
UDK: 82.0 (092)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/78/5


The artistic consciousness of S. D. Krzhizhanovsky is characterized by creating unique mythology, with significant places occupied by sensory perception of reality: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, taste. Visual and auditory perceptions dominate due to their functionality: a person receives the information mainly through sight and hearing. The appeal to audiovisual themes in “Tales for prodigies” is determined by author’s biographical code (poor eyesight, lifelong passion for music) and the cultural context. The literature of the first third of the 20th century is rich in images associated with vision and hearing. On the one hand, Krzhizhanovsky follows the traditions of the “Silver Age”. On the other hand, his works feature common motifs of the works of contemporary writers. The similarity of motifs can be explained by the general spirit of the eve of world wars and revolutions. Sight and hearing become sacralized instruments of spiritual cognition. Sacralization of the senses is carried out through the interaction of auditory and visual codes with death. Death is the main semantic category in Krzhizhanovsky’s short stories and novels. Through the special sensory system, his characters manage to overcome the borders of the familiar world and perceive phenomena hidden from the ordinary eye, realizing the eschatological nature of the world and its apocalyptic nature. A new vision is like physical death to them because they can no longer perceive the world as before. Meanwhile, the world moves steadily toward destruction, with a new resurrection to life being absolutely impossible.

Keywords: perception of reality, vision sense, hearing, code, death


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