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Name: Linking tools for complex constructions of temporal semantics: functional aspect

Authors: Svetlana M. Pometelina

Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2021Pages 289-299
UDK: 811.161.1’37DOI: 10.17223/18137083/77/22

Abstract: The paper is devoted to analyzing the temporal means of linking polypredicative constructions of the Russian language in functional aspects. From the standpoint of the functional approach, the linking tools for complex sentences with the value of time perform two functions: causator of time relations and formal indicator of the relationship between predicative units. The bifunctionality of linking tools determines its division into conjunctions, connectives, and functives. The term “functive,” already known in linguistics, acquires a new content: functives are suggested to be combinations of typified lexical elements with conjunctions, acting as conjunctions. The following criteria to distinguish complex conjunctions from their functional analogs were defined: semantic fusion (stability of component composition, idiomatic meaning of unions); structural fusion (singleness of a complex conjunction, inseparability of its components); functional fusion (a complex conjunction simultaneously performs both functions inherent in linking tools). Four types of temporal functives have been identified. The scale of their phraseologicalization was constructed based on the degree of compliance with the criteria of conjunctionality. It has been established that the functives of complex temporal sentences are the closest to conjunctions. The second place on the scale of phraseologization is occupied by functives of constructions with temporal concretizers. The third place goes to the functives of constructions of phraseological structure. The least close to the conjunction status are the functives representing the linking tools in syntactically related constructions.

Keywords: temporal means of communication, bifunctional means of communication, temporal functive, criteria of the conjunction, the scale of phraseology temporal functives


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