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Elena Nikolaevna Proskurina

Research Interests

Russian literature of the 19–20 centuries, plots and motives of Russian literature, calendar prose, self-documentary prose, prose of “young” emigrants.

Brief scientific biography

Elena Proskurina was born in 1957 in Novosibirsk. She graduated from Tomsk State University in 1983. Since 1986 she has been working at the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS. In 1999 she defended her dissertation on “Poetry of mystery in the story of Andrei Platonov ‘The Pit’ (‘Kotlovan’)”, in 2010 – a doctoral dissertation on the theme “Gaito Gazdanov’s novels: Dynamics of the art form”. At present Elena Proskurina is the main scientific associate of the Literary Criticism Sector of the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS. She is the author of more than 100 publications on the poetics of motifs and genres of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries, and three monographs: “The Poetics of Mystery in Andrei Platonov's Prose of the Late 20s and 30s. (based on the story ‘The Pit’ (‘Kotlovan’)” (Novosibirsk, 2001),“Unity of allegory: on the narrative poetics of Gaito Gazdanov’s novels” (Moscow, 2009),“Andrei Platonov’s Faustian: (based on prose from the 1920s – 1930s )” (Moscow, 2015).

E. N. Proskurina’s profile at the Google Academy (Scholar.google)

ResearcherID: K-6509-2017

Selected publications

Proskurina E. N. The Poetics of Mystery in Andrei Platonov’s Prose of the Late 20-30s (based on the story “The Pit”). Novosibirsk, Siberian Chronograph, 2001.

Proskurina E. N. Unity of allegory: The narrative poetics of Gaito Gazdanov’s novels. Moscow, New Chronograph, 2009.

Proskurina E. N. Andrei Platonov’s Faustian (based on prose material from the 1920s – 1930s). Moscow, New Chronograph, 2015.

Proskurina E. N. Poetics of Vladimir Zazubrin: genre, plot projections. Moscow, New Chronograph, 2020.

630090, Новосибирск, ул. Николаева, 8
тел./факс: 8-(383)330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru
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