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Elena Yuryevna Kulikova

Research Interests

The Silver Age, French traditions in the lyrics of acmeists, exotic motifs in the literature of modernism.

Brief scientific biography

Elena Yuryevna Kulikova – Doctor of Philology, Docent, Leading Researcher of the Literary Studies Sector of the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. E. Yu. Kulikova is the author of more than 100 articles on silver age poetry and two monographs – “Lyric Stories in Verses and Prose of the 20th Century” (2006, co-authored with E. V. Kapinos), “Space and its Dynamic Aspect in Acmeist Lyrics” (2011), “"Far Heavens" by Nikolai Gumilyov: Poetry. Prose. Translations” (2015), a regular participant in international scientific conferences (USA, France, Spain, Poland, etc.). A wide range of works by E. Yu. Kulikova is dedicated to the works of V. Khodasevich, N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, the influence of French authors is examined in the studies (F. Villon, S. Bodler, L. de Lille, T. Gautier and etc.) to the lyrics of the Russian poets of the Silver Age.

Profile of E. Yu. Kulikova at the Google Academy (Scholar.google)

Selected publications

Kulikova E. Yu. Analysis of the lyric text in work with preschool children. Novosibirsk, NGPU, 2003.

Kulikova E. Yu., Kapinos E. V. Lyrical stories in verse and prose of the twentieth century. Novosibirsk, Institute of Philology SB RAS, 2006.

Kulikova E. Yu. Poetic text in work with children of preschool and primary school age. Novosibirsk, NGPU, 2007.

Kulikova E. Yu. Analysis of the lyric text in work with preschool children, 2nd edition. Novosibirsk, NGPU, 2007.

Kulikova E. Yu. Literature and world art culture. 1. Novosibirsk, NGPU, 2007.

Kulikova E. Yu. Space and its dynamic aspect in the lyrics of acmeists (Monograph). Novosibirsk, Svin’in and sons, 2011.

Kulikova E. Yu. «Distant heavens» by Nikolay Gumilyov: Poetry. Prose. Translations. Novosibirsk, Svin’in and Sons publishing House, 2015.

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