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Name: Multiple variability of modus meanings in addressees’ statements resultant from the conflict of interpretations (a case study of the “Dictionary of Kuzbass event concepts”)

Authors: Lidia G. Kim

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2023Pages 325-337
UDK: 81'42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/84/23


The paper discusses the problem of identifying modus meanings arising from the interpreta-tive activity of addressees due to their pre-textual expectations. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to study the dictum-modus content of interpretive statements as secondary texts that result from the addressee’s mental and speech activity. The aim is to identify the modus meanings realized in interpretive texts. The hypothesis is suggested that the variability/conflict of the modus meanings of interpretive texts is due to the discrepancy of the pre-textual expectations of an addressee. Consideration is given to the cognitive plan of the conflict of interpretations embodied in dictum-modus manifestations, i.e., the addressees’ speech utterances. The material for the study embraces metatext statements extracted from the dictionary entries of the “Dictionary of Kuzbass event concepts.” The statements that interpret different meanings of modus are found to create a system of opposing ideas when viewed as a whole. These are positive/negative oppositions, depending on the type of modal meaning; emotional-evaluative/argumentative-evaluative, depending on the language organization; holistic/elementary ones, depending on the applied interpretive strategy; ones representing the unity with/the opposition to the government and the people depending on the content; and judgments expressing trust/distrust, depending on the degree of trust in the decisions and actions of the authorities. The types of oppositions and their number are defined by the factor of the interpreted text and the factor of the addressee’s pre-textual expectations determining its modus.

Keywords: linguistic interpretationism, addressee-centrism, addressee factor, pre-textual expectations, interpretive text, conflict of interpretations, modus meanings


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