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Name: Absolute isolated phrases in Russian poetic speech from Kantemir to Lermontov

Authors: N. V. Patroeva

Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2021Pages 308-320
UDK: 81.161.1'367DOI: 10.17223/18137083/74/23

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of the constructions with absolute (independent) isolated phrases extracted from the poetic texts of Russian poets of the Baroque, Classicism, Sentimentalism, and Romanticism. The use of an independent dangling participle was supported by the old Slavic tradition of the independent dative case and, already in the old Russian era, an independent dangling participle was often replaced by the construction with a frozen active participial inseparable nominative (adverbial participle), leading to more active absolute functioning of independent dangling participles. On the one hand, the history of independent isolations in Russian poetic speech from Kantemir to Lermontov demonstrates the scope of the language experiment on the “introduction” of syntactic Gallicisms of various types into the Russian speech – participial, adjective, substantive (in the form of applications and segments), pronominal ones. On the other hand, it shows a narrow timeframe of this entry of “agrammatic” (i.e., breaking the linear chain of traditional subordinating synthetic connections) elements into the language, as well as strong resistance to using non-Russian constructions. Experiments with absolute isolation are vivid evidence of the increasing tendency towards analytism in the evolution of the Russian literary language of the New Time and, at the same time, strong and victorious resistance to these tendencies on the part of a grammatical system protecting its traditional synthetic bases from the alien influence.

Keywords: Russian syntax of the 18th – 19th centuries, absolute phrases, independent isolated syntagmas, dangling participles, participial constructions, adjective phrases, substantive phrases, segmented constructions


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