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Name: Epistolary story about coming-into-being of a scientific school. Book review: A. T. Khrolenko “History of Kursk School of Linguistic and Folklore Studies in Letters and Documents”. Kursk, Kursk University Publishing House, 2018, 198 p.

Authors: M. A. Bobunova

Kursk State University, Kursk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 2, 2020Pages 314-317
UDK: 81-119DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/26

Abstract: The review provides an analysis of the book about the history of the Kursk school of linguistic and folklore studies. The creator, leader, and ideological inspirer of the peer-reviewed monograph is A. T. Khrolenko. Based on letters and documents from the personal archive of the scientist, the book is considered to be objective evidence of the development of creative personality as well as the formation of a new discipline and scientific school. The structure of the monograph is described in detail, with the main part including 18 sections headed by a line from a letter or document. Each documentary section of the book is supplied with relevant author’s comments, anticipating, supplementing, or explaining the content of letters. Given specific evidence provided in the book, the emphasis is placed on the relevance and theoretical, practical, and educational potential of the book, taking into account its unusual genre characteristics, content, and form of presentation. The book makes it possible for a modern reader to get acquainted with the culture of epistolary communication, replaced by Internet communication at present. Not only is the book summarizing certain results, but it also offers new horizons for future researchers of the Russian folklore language.

Keywords: the language of folklore, linguistic and folklore studies, the Kursk school of linguistic and folklore studies, the epistolary genre


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