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Name: Cognitive and semiological approach to the study of meaning making of linguistic units in a literary text

Authors: K. I. Dekatova

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 277-289
UDK: 81’22, 81’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/23

Abstract: This paper is devoted to the description of the meaning-making process of linguistic units in a literary text. The results of the study are shown, indicating the synergy of cognitive and semantic structures in discursive literary space. The cognitive-semiological approach used in this study allows analyzing the processes of semantic structuring of a language sign taking into account the peculiarities of its semantic modifications, the specifics of the content of the conceptual structure verbalized by the sign, as well as the influence of context on cognitive and semiological processes in the course of the formation of the sign content in a literary text. When applying the approach concerned, the author studies the meaning-making of the idiom “druzhba narodov” (“fraternity of peoples”) that is used repeatedly in “Chernil’nyy angel” (“Ink angel”) by V. G. Popov. The semantic structure of this idiom is formed in different contexts under the influence of various cognitive factors, such as the content of the Soviet concept of “Druzhba Narodov” (“Fraternity of peoples”), knowledge about the manifestations of friendly relations between representatives of different nationalities in everyday life. This knowledge becomes a source of basic semes of phraseological meaning. However, the semantic core of sememes changes in the different parts of the literary text, influenced by a macro-context (discourse) and a micro-context (linguistic distribution of an idiom). Sometimes, in “Chernil’nyy angel,” the idiom concerned acquires sememes, the core (the explicit part) of which is formed from semantic elements of discursive origin. In addition, the use of the analyzed idiom in a variety of distributions leads to different elements being explicit in its semantic organization. Studying the combination and organization of these elements in the process of using the linguistic unit in the space of literary text can contribute to understanding the mechanisms of interaction between the linguistic and conceptual systems in the discursive space.

Keywords: meaning-making, literary text, semiological analysis, concept, discourse


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