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Name: Punctuation design of explanatory structures with metatextual indicators: on the example of metatextual indicator v smysle (in the sense)

Authors: N. V. Kuznetsova, O. V. Pochtareva

Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 254-265
UDK: 811.161.1.36, 81.367.634DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/21


The paper presents the observations on the punctuation design of the explanatory structure with metatextual indicators of an alternative v smysle in the modern Russian written language. The material – 968 contexts from the National Corpus of the Russian language, in which v smysle functions as an explanatory union – shows that the structures with the linking word can be formed as explanatory, insertions, and parcellates. Depending on the communication task, a writing per- son himself chooses a specific sign. In general, such a variety of punctuation marks fits into the “punctuation standard.” However, in many cases, the punctuation mark is placed not only before metatextual indicator v smysle but also after it. There are about 350 examples, one-third of the total cases, where there are no punctuation marks after v smysle, with other cases having this mark.

The simplest explanation can be given to a colon: this sign duplicates the meaning of the ex- planatory linking word. As for a dash and a comma, their usage can be associated with the seman- tics of the explanatory design because these signs are often put not only after v smysle, but also after other explanatory units: to est’, imenno, vernee, tochnee. The author’s decision whether to put any punctuation mark is influenced by several factors: 1) in contrast to other explanatory units, the unit v smysle is not mentioned in reference books on Russian punctuation; 2) even those units mentioned in handbooks, in practice, are isolated in a very diverse manner; 3) v smysle, like any other meta-indicator, can be taken as an introductory word; 4) due to the semantics of the construction itself, it is possible to restore the missing semantic link after the explanatory linking word.

Keywords: punctuation, metatextual indicator, punctuation marks, secondary parts of speech, modal words, metalanguage units, explanatory design, linking word


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