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Name: Russian and Chinese youth jargon as manifestations of national linguistic culture and scientific objects of study

Authors: Wang Xinghua

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2017Pages 248-257
UDK: 378.02:37.016DOI: 10.17223/18137083/60/21

Abstract: Recently, Russian and Chinese linguists have focused their attention on the study of youth jargon units and their place and intensity of dissemination in modern Russian and Chinese speech. A large number of Chinese linguistic studies deal with Russian youth jargon and unit content, including, among others, the works of comparative nature, as well as dictionaries and handbooks of Russian youth slang published in China. Most researchers define jargon as a special and significant phenomenon in the language which is dynamically developing. The speech of the youth acts as a symbol of the youth culture and is a powerful factor influencing the development of the language. The paper considers the functional and pragmatic features of jargon appearing in the speech of Russian and Chinese young people in a comparative aspect, taking into account the role of extralinguistic factors. The author systematises information on the stages of studying Russian youth jargon by Chinese linguists. The units of youth jargon are determined primarily as linguocultural, mediating intra- and intercultural communication. It is concluded that the similarities between Chinese and Russian jargon are due to the orientation of the cultures of both countries to the Western model. It is noted that especially during the last decade, many new lexical units have emerged in the Chinese language, denoting the realities of modern China and reflecting significant changes in all spheres of human activity. Jargon is among these units. Youth jargon represents a special subculture – a youth subculture that has its system of values, norms of behaviour and, of course, a kind of sublanguage. The possibility of using Russian youth jargon words and expressions in the practice of teaching the Russian language as a foreign to the Chinese student’s language is also substantiated. The author believes that the units of Russian youth jargon if in compliance with etiquette and communicative norms can be an integral part of the didactic basis for the development of RFL in China. It is effective and expedient to use such words and expressions in courses on lexicology, colloquial speech, in studying the culture, the history of Russia and its regions.

Keywords: jargon, youth slang, jargon, linguoculture, intercultural communication


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