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Name: Linguistic and stylistic features of contemporary literary review

Authors: N. N. Molitvina

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 230-237
UDK: 070.4DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/23

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of contemporary literary review's linguistic and stylistic features. It's a case study of printed and online popular media, in which the author observes the most typical stylistic features and assumes, how actual tendencies of literary process, media format and pragmatic goals of book observers appear in the genre's specifics – in style of narrative, images of addresser and addressee, structural and compositional elements, typical stylistic failures and successful linguistic practices. Research is connected with the problem of changing communicative characteristics of literary reviews in contemporary media discourse and outlines possible transformation of the genre and main trends or reviewing in network and press. Features revealed in the article correlate by the author with contemporary literature and literary journalism in general.

Keywords: literary review, linguistic and stylistic features, literary process, media discourse


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