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Name: On a set of proper names in the tradition

Authors: S. G. Proskurin, A. V. Proskurina

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 182-190
UDK: 811.11’01:81’22DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/18

Abstract: The paper shows the functioning of a set of proper names in the tradition. It can be organized on the basis of alliteration and may be transferred from generation to generation. It can be said that there is some correlation between the proper names and the names of kingdoms in the history of Germanic tribes. The authors consider the issues of syntagmatics and paradigmatics of proper names in genealogies of Anglo-Saxon kings. They emphasize the complex type of nomination in the Anglo-Saxon tradition when not only the tradition of inheritance, that is, the succession in the paradigmatics of the king’s name, but also the observance of the rules of identity at the level of correlation of name, on the one hand, and the ethnonym or the name of the kingdom, on the other hand, were taken into account.

Keywords: a set of proper names, correlation, alliteration, germanic tribes


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