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Name: E. Rein’s «Life» and «Music»: genre potential of key motifs

Authors: V. I. Kozlov

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2016Pages 139-148
UDK: 82-1/29DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/14

Abstract: The paper shows the transformation of classical genres in the poetry of E. Rein on the example of one of his lyrical poems. In particular, the model of historical elegy gets the features of idyll. The study of rhythm motifs and patterns in the poem allows one to discover the idyllic elements in Evgeniy Rein’s artistic world. Key motifs of «life» and «music» prove to be the important transformation factor of traditional lyric genres. Theses motifs are shown to develop and to become the poetic symbols in the context of his poetry book «Labyrinth» (2013). The lyrical plot of every poem is determined. Rein’s specificity of the relationships between motifs of «life» and «music» changes the traditional genre models of a historical elegy.

Keywords: russian poetry, genre poetic, elegy, idyll, lyrical plot, evgeniy rein


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