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Name: Irony of Valentin Rasputin

Authors: I. I. Plekhanova

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2016Pages 128-138
UDK: 82:1; 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/13

Abstract: The study of content and forms of Valentin Rasputin’s irony as the way of expression of author’s position is an important aspect of explaining the features of artistic reflection of the author. The object of study is compatibility of a playful way of expression with a monological type of artistic thinking. The purpose is to reveal the degree of freedom and responsibility of the author in playing with words; and to examine his synthesis of relativity, didactics and pathos. The paper deals with publicism and prose: subjects, plots, collisions, images of characters, author’s narration and characters’ statements. In late novels about «naive» Senya Pozdnyakov the author manages to create a new synthesis – a humor didactics: his game with words has moved beyond the intentional «folk etymology»; the character experiences deep feelings, sharing his ideas with the readers, not via sermons but emotionally. Two irony levels in this narration do not change the way of the author’s monological thinking, but add the expressive overtones to this narration, due to a more confidential game with the reader.

Keywords: v. rasputin, monological thinking, irony, pathos, didactics, relativity, psychological insight, naive, game


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