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Name: The idea of eternal return and nihilism in lyrics of F. Sologub: sanguine et aqua

Authors: V. T. Faritov

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2016Pages 96-108
UDK: 82-14DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/10

Abstract: The paper deals with the specific character of artistic realization of the idea of eternal return and nihilism in the lyrics of F. Sologub. The idea of eternal return appears as the central motif of the lyrics of Sologub, the main role of which is to overcome the nihilism and decadence aesthetics. The connection of this idea with Christian and pagan motifs is explicated on the material of individual poetic text analysis. The eternal return motif in the lyrics of F. Sologub in relation to the lyrics of A. Pushkin is revealed. While working with poetic texts, the methodological approach of motif analysis proposed by B. M. Gasparov is used. The author pays special attention to the explication of the philosophical aspects of poetry of F. Sologub. The Nietzschean motifs in F. Sologub’s lyrics are analyzed in details. Also, account is taken of the conceptual developments in modern philosophy.

Keywords: sologub, the eternal return, nihilism, decadence, pushkin


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