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Name: What and how can a linguist get from digitized texts?

Authors: V. I. Belikov

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 17-34
UDK: 811.161.1, 81’33DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/2

Abstract: The article is devoted to the limits of applicability of the online tools for automatic processing of digital texts (search engines, corpora, Google Books Ngram Viewer) to a linguostatistic study. Despite the common opinion about the objectivity of the results obtained after automatic processing of the text array, there are limitations and distortions of the data due to many reasons. One of them is the frequent lack of linguists in the teams of developers of such machines. In the article, the analysis of the frequency of use of culturally significant names and their spelling variants, generic forms of the verb and the prepositional variants of the control according to the different automatic means of analysis of the texts shows the complexity of interpreting the results of automatic processing of text arrays.

Keywords: digital text, linguistic statistics, linguistic online tools, word processing, corpus linguistics, grammatical variation


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