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Name: Types of authorial terms in Russian philosophy (based on the literary works by N. F. Fedorov and N. A. Berdyaev)

Authors: Kozlovskaya Natalia Vitalyevna

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2016Pages 185-192
UDK: 81'373.46DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/22

Abstract: The paper analyzes the basic types of N. F. Fedorov and N. A. Berdyaev’s philosophical terms and discusses these authors’ methods of term formation. The authorial terms of Russian philosophical texts are divided into four types: terms generated by means of the morphological and syntactic method; terms generated by means of the semantic method; reconceived terms of other sciences and theology terms; multifold philosophical terms interpreted originally by a particular philosopher (terms in the discursive function). The execution of the analysis has made it possible to draw brief conclusions regarding the internal organization of the compared authorial term systems. Principally, the composition (patrofication, psychocration), and also terminologization of general language lexemes (fathers, sons, museum) are typical for N. F. Fedorov’s term creation. Furthermore, the philosopher makes active use of the syntactic method of term creation and transterminologization reconceiving fideistic and natural science terms (nature regulation, sanitary problem, food problem, Easter and easter, Low Sunday, Whitsunday). N. A. Berdyaev’s term system kernel is comprised of the reconceived philosophical lexemes (freedom, objectivation, necessity) and terms generated by means of the syntactic method (social transfiguration, historical expendability, pre-existential freedom). Transterminologization as a process of term system expansion is also typical for N. A. Berdyaev’s term creation: he borrows mainly social and political terms: state, nation, nationality. The comparative analysis of term systems makes it possible to discover the basic mechanisms of term creation of the two Russian sophists; the terms typology and the analysis methods presented in this paper can be used for the investigation of other authorial term systems.

Keywords: term, authorial philosophical term, terminologization, transterminologization, morphological method, syntactic method, discursive function of the term, term system, term creation


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