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Name: The lexico-semantic field «spring» in the language picture of A. P. Chekhov’s world

Authors: Kochnova Ksenia Aleksandrovna

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2016Pages 178-184
UDK: 81’373DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/21

Abstract: The paper investigates A. P. Chekhov’s artistic-vocal system, reveals the specificity of individual world-view, realized in the writer’s language. The lexico-semantic system of the language is investigated using field methods. Study is made of the contents, composition, and structural organization, showing, how one or the other of these categories and concepts are explicated in the language picture of the writer’s world. In the language picture of A. P. Chekhov’s world the lexeme spring is of crucial significance: it is distinguished by semantic ambiguity and connection with the main categories of the writer’s perception of the world. In its ramified semantic structure the central lexeme has a unique semantic content, the meanings of which are grouped around the leading author’s leading association «spring – life, the fullness of life». Despite the internal ambivalence, the nuclear lexeme spring, possesses a pronounced positive potential. It displays the connection with the main categories of the writer’s world-view: beauty, love, work.

Keywords: language picture of the world of the writer, artistic-vocal system, the lexicalsemantic field, lexeme, sema


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