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Name: Bound deverbative nouns in the Tungusic languages: noun of purpose

Authors: B. V. Boldyrev

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2015Pages 222-228
UDK: 81.2.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/53/24

Abstract: The paper deals with one of the topical issues concerning the qualification of the so called «independent verbal parts of speech» or «grammatical groups of the verb» which based on their inherent grammatical categories, the category of the personal and reflexive possession in particular, may be referred to the grammatical class of the noun. Being used in the sentence in the function of extended adverbial modifiers of condition, purpose, cause etc., they were traditionally translated into Russian as subordinate clauses of the corresponding group. It is this fact that led to their inclusion into the class of «specific verbal forms» while, in fact, these are deverbative nouns of the specific declension paradigm lost by the majority of languages.

Keywords: tungusic languages, possession, morphemes, suffix, general category meaning, syntactic function


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