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Name: The professional language personality of a future engineer: a theoretical aspect

Authors: G. V. Elokhova, L. A. Romanenko

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2015Pages 209-214
UDK: 81-119DOI: 10.17223/18137083/53/22

Abstract: In spite of the high social significance, the professional language personality of a future engineer has not yet been an object of a comprehensive linguistic investigation. The paper presents an attempt to comprehensively describe the language personality of a future engineer on the basis of a three-level analysis of his professional speech, professional worldview, professional motivation and intention. The proposed description model, developed in the framework of cognitive terminology can serve as a basis for conducting a complete practical investigation. The peculiarity of the analysis of the professional language personality of a future engineer will be to turn to an interdisciplinary approach: to the correlation of linguistics with psycho- and sociolinguistics. The results of this analysis will make it possible to describe the professional language personality of the future engineer most precisely and completely. The comprehensive description with the aim to reconstruct the components of the professional language personality of a future engineer will allow the correlation of the ethno-cultural, socio-collective and individual aspects of the content of a personality.

Keywords: professional language personality, future engineer, level description, professional speech, professional world view, professional motivation and intention


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