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Name: Derivatives of currency nominations in standard and sub-standard Russian (based on the sociolinguistic interviews)

Authors: T. V. Artemova, P. A. Katyshev, S. V. Olenev, R. F. Shakuryanova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2015Pages 149-159
UDK: 81’276.1:811.161.1’2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/53/16

Abstract: The paper studies the derivatives of currency names represented in the modern Russian standard and sub-standard (slang) language. The theoretical foundations of the study are the works on the semiotics, culture and mythology of the money, as well as the linguistic research based on the study of the MONEY concept. The lexical units collected as a result of socio-linguistic interviews of Siberian cities residents were analyzed in terms of the ways of their formation, and the statistical characteristic of the collected material was given. When describing the language material, particular attention was given to the use of expressive word-formation means, reflecting, along with the linguistic means of the other language levels, the informants’ value attitude to the money, domestic currency and other currencies, which play the key part in the Russian economy. The analysis revealed the common sub-standard linguistic consciousness focus on reducing the nominal value of the national currency. The nominations of foreign currencies don’t have the similar attitude.

Keywords: currency nominations, linguistic semiotics of the «money», slang, vernacular, derivative word, word-formation, substandard, sociolinguistics


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