Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya (Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology)
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation; +7-(383)-330-47-72


Name: The Game with Exotic Plot («Malayan Songs» by E. Parny and «Malayan Pantuns» by Ch. Leconte De Lisle)

Authors: Kulikova Elena Yu.

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section The Plot and the Methods of Its Description

Issue 1, 2013Pages 37-45
UDK: 821DOI:

Abstract: The article is noticed the influence of the tenth «Madagascar song» by E. Parny on the plot of «Malayan pantuns» by Ch. Leconte de Lisle.

Keywords: exoticism, pantun, lyrical plot


Institute of Philology
Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
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